How To Write A Rap On Any Topic In 20 Mins. or Less:
The Top 20 Songwriting Secrets of Full-Time Rappers (FREE VIDEO COURSE):
In today’s video, we’re going to provide you some songwriting tips for rappers by telling you three little-known secrets to writing better rap songs.
As hosts of the most subscribed YouTube channel on how to rap and learning rapping, we’ve seen artists who do NOT follow the secrets we’re about to tell you fail time and time again to learn the skill of writing better rap songs…
…So to avoid you going through the same painful process, we’re going to provide you both songwriting tips AND a few action steps to begin RIGHT NOW INSTANTLY to get writing better rap songs in this video.
0:00 Overview
0:40 Free Songwriting Course
1:02 #3 Be Able To Write Chorus-First and Verse-First
2:43 “The Double-Sided Hook”
3:29 Action Steps For #3
5:10 #2 The Best Songs Are Written In One Sitting
6:51 Action Steps For #2
8:04 #1 “Momentum Over Music”
9:17 Action Steps For #1
9:49 Comment On Writing Better Rap Songs!
3. Be Able Write Chorus-First AND Verse-First
Now, one of the most common question for those who want to start writing better rap songs is, “Should I write the chorus-first or the verse-first”?
The simple truth is this: you need to be able to do both, because depending on the way the beat is structured – which we’ll cover in a second – will most often determine which song section (verse or chorus) you’d like to do first.
The Question To Ask In Writing Better Rap Songs
One of the questions to ask yourself in this regard is: “what does the beat do musically in the first 30 seconds?”
No matter how you cut it, you’re going to need to START the song with something catchy and iconic, however that could be a CHORUS, that could be a FIRE opening line to a verse, OR that could be a riff.
If the beat starts with an iconic “riff”, or series of quickly identifiable notes, that may serve as the first catchy part of the song instead of a chorus.
Think about the way “Humble” by Kendrick Lamar starts:
“Nobody pray for me (riff of notes) / It’s been that day for me (riff of notes) / Waaaay”
That iconic intro / riff of notes REPLACES the need for a catchy chorus to start, so Kendrick can roll straight into the verse.
If the beat had not started with an interesting, choppy sample with syncopation, Kendrick may have decided to just roll into the chorus to make it instantly catchy,
But by having something memorable to begin the song, he probably felt confident he could go verse first.
Now, compare that to a song like “Don’t Kill My Vibe” which begins not only with the chorus, but a relatively LONG chorus compared to other rap songs of the recent era…
…Since it has both the “I am a sinner” section AND the actual repeat of “Don’t Kill My Vibe” at the second half of the hook.
“The Double-Sided Hook”
That’s a quick random aside to remember as well: don’t be afraid to do what we call “double-sided hooks” that have two distinct section within the entire chorus that both can become iconic catchy parts of the song.
I mean, let’s be real here: the “energy from two planets away” portion of the track is as memorable as the actual title of the song.
Now, I would say the fact the song starts with the chorus in this case likely due to the fact that the beat itself doesn’t not have as a iconic series of notes to begin, although the smooth bass-line the begins the track is an excellent beginning, no doubt.
The Top 20 Songwriting Secrets of Full-Time Rappers (FREE VIDEO COURSE):
In today’s video, we’re going to provide you some songwriting tips for rappers by telling you three little-known secrets to writing better rap songs.
As hosts of the most subscribed YouTube channel on how to rap and learning rapping, we’ve seen artists who do NOT follow the secrets we’re about to tell you fail time and time again to learn the skill of writing better rap songs…
…So to avoid you going through the same painful process, we’re going to provide you both songwriting tips AND a few action steps to begin RIGHT NOW INSTANTLY to get writing better rap songs in this video.
0:00 Overview
0:40 Free Songwriting Course
1:02 #3 Be Able To Write Chorus-First and Verse-First
2:43 “The Double-Sided Hook”
3:29 Action Steps For #3
5:10 #2 The Best Songs Are Written In One Sitting
6:51 Action Steps For #2
8:04 #1 “Momentum Over Music”
9:17 Action Steps For #1
9:49 Comment On Writing Better Rap Songs!
3. Be Able Write Chorus-First AND Verse-First
Now, one of the most common question for those who want to start writing better rap songs is, “Should I write the chorus-first or the verse-first”?
The simple truth is this: you need to be able to do both, because depending on the way the beat is structured – which we’ll cover in a second – will most often determine which song section (verse or chorus) you’d like to do first.
The Question To Ask In Writing Better Rap Songs
One of the questions to ask yourself in this regard is: “what does the beat do musically in the first 30 seconds?”
No matter how you cut it, you’re going to need to START the song with something catchy and iconic, however that could be a CHORUS, that could be a FIRE opening line to a verse, OR that could be a riff.
If the beat starts with an iconic “riff”, or series of quickly identifiable notes, that may serve as the first catchy part of the song instead of a chorus.
Think about the way “Humble” by Kendrick Lamar starts:
“Nobody pray for me (riff of notes) / It’s been that day for me (riff of notes) / Waaaay”
That iconic intro / riff of notes REPLACES the need for a catchy chorus to start, so Kendrick can roll straight into the verse.
If the beat had not started with an interesting, choppy sample with syncopation, Kendrick may have decided to just roll into the chorus to make it instantly catchy,
But by having something memorable to begin the song, he probably felt confident he could go verse first.
Now, compare that to a song like “Don’t Kill My Vibe” which begins not only with the chorus, but a relatively LONG chorus compared to other rap songs of the recent era…
…Since it has both the “I am a sinner” section AND the actual repeat of “Don’t Kill My Vibe” at the second half of the hook.
“The Double-Sided Hook”
That’s a quick random aside to remember as well: don’t be afraid to do what we call “double-sided hooks” that have two distinct section within the entire chorus that both can become iconic catchy parts of the song.
I mean, let’s be real here: the “energy from two planets away” portion of the track is as memorable as the actual title of the song.
Now, I would say the fact the song starts with the chorus in this case likely due to the fact that the beat itself doesn’t not have as a iconic series of notes to begin, although the smooth bass-line the begins the track is an excellent beginning, no doubt.
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