Johnny Rock returns to his Hometown, a small surf and arts influenced city on the coast of San Diego, California...Known for it's excellent carne asada burritos and flower fields from the mountainside down to the beaches...A great old historical theater "the LaPaloma" and the best worldly flavored unique eateries including VG's Donuts, Bestawan, the Lanai and so much more...see the beach party surf style life lived and loved by the locals and keeps bringing people back to visit this nugget of California's gold...catch a wave or grab your guitar for some songs around the bon fire, smell the flowers in the air mixed with the sweet smell of burritos, get a tan, go for a walk, stop at the pub for a micro brew...
Johnny Rock is back in Encinitas...doin' what he's gotta do! ALRIGHT!!!
Johnny Rock is back in Encinitas...doin' what he's gotta do! ALRIGHT!!!
- Category
- Music Guitar Lessons Music Lessons
- Tags
- now playing, music, video, videos, radio, encinitas, San Diego, California, time, omg, amazing, like, love, share, amazon, youtube, channel, surfrock, surfmusic, beaches, beach life