"Blow The Whistle [Judgment Day]"
Copyright 2024 Cadence Esther Crowne
I just wrote this today! All inspired by current events, my own life experiences that God revealed truth about FM in my family and God exposing wickedness worldwide.
This is a fun gospel rock song.
[intro chorus]
Blow the whistle
blow the whistle, baby
Blow the whistle
blow the whistle, baby
make the wicked ones
go crazy
Don't be afraid
of what they do or say
Cause God's gonna make 'em pay
on Judgment Day
It's time to tell the truth
the whole truth
and nothing but the truth
so help us God
Blow the whistle
blow the whistle, baby
Cause God's gonna make em pay
on Judgment Day
#judgmentday #gospel #rock #darkpop #claps #stomp #newmusic #newmusicalert #faith #jesus #exposureofwicknedness #whistleblower #blowthewhistle #godsgonnamakethempay #makethewickedonespay #timetotellthetruth #thewholetruth #nothingbutthetruth #sohelpusgod
Copyright 2024 Cadence Esther Crowne
I just wrote this today! All inspired by current events, my own life experiences that God revealed truth about FM in my family and God exposing wickedness worldwide.
This is a fun gospel rock song.
[intro chorus]
Blow the whistle
blow the whistle, baby
Blow the whistle
blow the whistle, baby
make the wicked ones
go crazy
Don't be afraid
of what they do or say
Cause God's gonna make 'em pay
on Judgment Day
It's time to tell the truth
the whole truth
and nothing but the truth
so help us God
Blow the whistle
blow the whistle, baby
Cause God's gonna make em pay
on Judgment Day
#judgmentday #gospel #rock #darkpop #claps #stomp #newmusic #newmusicalert #faith #jesus #exposureofwicknedness #whistleblower #blowthewhistle #godsgonnamakethempay #makethewickedonespay #timetotellthetruth #thewholetruth #nothingbutthetruth #sohelpusgod