Chris Paul Talks Impact Blake Griffin's Return Will Have on Team

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98 Views - A lot of NBA fans have made it a four-man race for the MVP award, with the likes of LeBron James, James Harden, Stephen Curry and now Russell Westbrook. Honestly, considering the fact that the Clippers have been pretty successful without Blake Griffin, as they have about the same winning percentage with and without him, a lot of credit should be given to Chris Paul as well.

In this footage Chris Paul talks about why winning games and having team success would be a lot better than having an individual award. Noted back when CP3 was with the New Orleans Hornets, he was in a tight MVP race with Kobe Bryant that season and didn't get the nod.

He also speaks on having to guard a guy like Westbrook who has been on a tear, although that night he contributed a career-high ten turnovers. With Blake Griffin set to return, CP3 gives high praise on his return, stating that his locker room presence will be the most important attribute to the team.

To close out footage CP3 talks the much needed improvements the team will have to make in order to be successful even after a great win. Props to sneakerreporter for the footage.

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