00:00 – Introduction
02:14 – 3 Fundamental Biblical Truths
08:16 – The Devil’s Presence in Rock & Metal
17:26 – Redeemed Christian Metal
31:21 – Wise Words from Pastor Bob Beeman
“Exposing Satan's Lies in Metal Music – The Truth You Need to Know!"
In this eye-opening video, Pastor Brad dives deep into the world of rock and metal music, exposing the subtle lies Satan uses to deceive many. Through a solid biblical foundation, Pastor Brad uncovers the truth about God, Satan, Heaven, and Hell, shedding light on the spiritual battle that often plays out in music. But that’s not where the story ends! You'll be encouraged and inspired as Pastor Brad shares powerful examples of how God redeems metal for His glory, using born-again musicians to spread the Gospel and advance His Kingdom. If you love metal and want to honor Jesus, this video is for you!
Email: pastorbrad1985@gmail.com
Christian Metal Pastor. Heavy Metal Artist, YouTuber & Media Influencer.
SUPPORT The PB Rocks Channel: (PayPal) https://cutt.ly/Q2hIl5p
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4KcLdMaw3ai9gReju7aAaZ?si=GX9F96uWTqONduh0kY4a4Q&dl_branch=1
BANDCAMP: https://pastorbrad.bandcamp.com
AMAZON: https://amazon.com/music/player/artists/B0013OCDLQ/pastor-brad?marketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER&musicTerritory=US&ref=dm_sh_hEPkQA7CygIuvp6lSkvjS5J35
APPLE MUSIC: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/pastor-brad/60655335
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Pastor named Brad--who is also an 80s style, Christian metal recording artist. Growing up during the golden age of metal, Brad picked up the guitar in 1982. In 1987 he became a Christian, a decision that revolutionized his life & continues to do so to this day. In 2004 he launched Pastor Brad Rocks as a platform for sharing his music with the world. To date, Brad has released more than two hundred songs!
Brad has been blessed to work with several of his heroes! Richard Lynch & Dee Harrington (SAINT) appear on several songs on RESHREDDED (2006). Les Carlsen (Bloodgood) laid the lead vocal on HE LOVES ME (BREAK OUT, 2010) & Ken Tamplin contributed the lead vocal on TURN UP THE LIGHT (BREAK OUT 2010).
Being both a Christian Pastor & a Hard Rock/Metal artist/music fan, Brad has a stong desire to serve the "heavy music" community. The Primary Aim of The Pastor Brad Rocks Channel is to Rock You (everyone) Up for Jesus with Classic Style Christian Hard Rock & Metal Music, & Practical Bible Teaching. Pastor Bob Beeman of Sanctuary International is another "Christian Metal Pastor" (who I respect deeply). My hope is that this channel, in concert with others like Pastor Bob's will serve the Christian Hard Music Community well and reach Hard Rock & Metal Spiritual Seekers--with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
#1 BELIEVE: Believe The Gospel, which is summarized beautifully in John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
#2 REPENT: Turn away from sin—a lifestyle of living for self and/or this world. Acknowledge Jesus as Lord and commit to living a life that honors Him. (Acts 3:19)
#3 FAITH: Place your full confidence in Jesus as your Savior—affirming that His sacrificial death on the cross paid your sin debt in full. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
#4 CONFESS: To confess means to "agree with God." Followers of Jesus confess (acknowledge) that: a. All have sinned (Romans 3:23) and need a Savior, and b. Jesus (the Son of God) is our Savior. (Matthew 10:32; Romans 10:9-10)
#5 BE BAPTIZED: In His Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), Jesus calls His disciples to be baptized. This beautiful act of obedience and public profession of faith is a powerful part of beginning your new life in Christ. (Acts 2:38, Romans 6:3-4)
#6 Plug into a fellowship of believers: Join a church family where you can worship, fellowship, serve, and grow in your knowledge of God’s Word and what it means to know and follow Christ. (Acts 2:42)
00:00 – Introduction
02:14 – 3 Fundamental Biblical Truths
08:16 – The Devil’s Presence in Rock & Metal
17:26 – Redeemed Christian Metal
31:21 – Wise Words from Pastor Bob Beeman
“Exposing Satan's Lies in Metal Music – The Truth You Need to Know!"
In this eye-opening video, Pastor Brad dives deep into the world of rock and metal music, exposing the subtle lies Satan uses to deceive many. Through a solid biblical foundation, Pastor Brad uncovers the truth about God, Satan, Heaven, and Hell, shedding light on the spiritual battle that often plays out in music. But that’s not where the story ends! You'll be encouraged and inspired as Pastor Brad shares powerful examples of how God redeems metal for His glory, using born-again musicians to spread the Gospel and advance His Kingdom. If you love metal and want to honor Jesus, this video is for you!
Email: pastorbrad1985@gmail.com
Christian Metal Pastor. Heavy Metal Artist, YouTuber & Media Influencer.
SUPPORT The PB Rocks Channel: (PayPal) https://cutt.ly/Q2hIl5p
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4KcLdMaw3ai9gReju7aAaZ?si=GX9F96uWTqONduh0kY4a4Q&dl_branch=1
BANDCAMP: https://pastorbrad.bandcamp.com
AMAZON: https://amazon.com/music/player/artists/B0013OCDLQ/pastor-brad?marketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER&musicTerritory=US&ref=dm_sh_hEPkQA7CygIuvp6lSkvjS5J35
APPLE MUSIC: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/pastor-brad/60655335
Pastor Brad is exactly who he sounds like, a Pastor named Brad--who is also an 80s style, Christian metal recording artist. Growing up during the golden age of metal, Brad picked up the guitar in 1982. In 1987 he became a Christian, a decision that revolutionized his life & continues to do so to this day. In 2004 he launched Pastor Brad Rocks as a platform for sharing his music with the world. To date, Brad has released more than two hundred songs!
Brad has been blessed to work with several of his heroes! Richard Lynch & Dee Harrington (SAINT) appear on several songs on RESHREDDED (2006). Les Carlsen (Bloodgood) laid the lead vocal on HE LOVES ME (BREAK OUT, 2010) & Ken Tamplin contributed the lead vocal on TURN UP THE LIGHT (BREAK OUT 2010).
Being both a Christian Pastor & a Hard Rock/Metal artist/music fan, Brad has a stong desire to serve the "heavy music" community. The Primary Aim of The Pastor Brad Rocks Channel is to Rock You (everyone) Up for Jesus with Classic Style Christian Hard Rock & Metal Music, & Practical Bible Teaching. Pastor Bob Beeman of Sanctuary International is another "Christian Metal Pastor" (who I respect deeply). My hope is that this channel, in concert with others like Pastor Bob's will serve the Christian Hard Music Community well and reach Hard Rock & Metal Spiritual Seekers--with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
#1 BELIEVE: Believe The Gospel, which is summarized beautifully in John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
#2 REPENT: Turn away from sin—a lifestyle of living for self and/or this world. Acknowledge Jesus as Lord and commit to living a life that honors Him. (Acts 3:19)
#3 FAITH: Place your full confidence in Jesus as your Savior—affirming that His sacrificial death on the cross paid your sin debt in full. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
#4 CONFESS: To confess means to "agree with God." Followers of Jesus confess (acknowledge) that: a. All have sinned (Romans 3:23) and need a Savior, and b. Jesus (the Son of God) is our Savior. (Matthew 10:32; Romans 10:9-10)
#5 BE BAPTIZED: In His Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), Jesus calls His disciples to be baptized. This beautiful act of obedience and public profession of faith is a powerful part of beginning your new life in Christ. (Acts 2:38, Romans 6:3-4)
#6 Plug into a fellowship of believers: Join a church family where you can worship, fellowship, serve, and grow in your knowledge of God’s Word and what it means to know and follow Christ. (Acts 2:42)
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- pastor brad, pastor brad rocks, pastor bob beeman