Gorgons Alter - Arcane and Abel (2024) (New Full Album)

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Gorgons Alter - Arcane and Abel (Full Album) Gorgons Alter is about an immortal born of two cosmic functions who oversee the universe, dropped into a medieval dark fantasy world to experience life, be a protector and search for a way to destroy the third God function, Yoth. An audible adventure where every album acts as chapters in the story, some even dedicated to side quests and characters within. Christopher Clough does all instruments, synths, recording and mastering at the basin of the Appalachian mountains.

'Arcane and Abel' is his new album featuring B sides from the split with the immensely talented Dragon Tomes. These are tracks that needed to be finished and he decided to just release them as a new metal album. Crushing, slow and atmospheric sludge, doom and Stoner metal using the same synths and tools he uses to write his dark ambient and fantasy synth music.

1. Pyramid Builders on the Rings of Gas Giants
2. Freefall Battle Axe
3. The night, it hungers
4. Plague Bathers
5. Reignmaker
6. Keelhauling the Colossi
7. The Oxflayer
8. Deer Huntress

Support Gorgons Alter by purchasing the album here https://gorgonsalter.bandcamp.com/album/arcane-and-abel


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