Igadit Wilson - Social Media

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**íGαdít wílsσn®** is a brand that believes in endless possibilities
A young Ghanaian Spoken Word artiste, an artist, a philosopher, motion graphic designer and photographer...

Music (spoken word) video by íGαdít wílsσn performing 'Social Media' — Off 'FLY' album.

** Video directed and produced by íGαdít wílsσn®
** Shot and edited with android mobile



I want to un- install this app
cos the ups and downs is causing havoc
and it makes me feel like I'm still on life support
you see, I don't want any pharisees and scribes to see and yet subscribe to my channel so lemme channel my energy to working on myself

I want to keep my social life a private affairs
cos I'm tired of cheating on others even when I've always been single
trying to impress the world only leaves you depressed
I mean, juxtapose having
2000 K followers on instagram and yet no disciples
to for instance gram, ma's love for me which is more than the likes I get on Facebook
she's always offline, but finds a way to comment and give compliment

meanwhile, IG have become an adrenal gland producing adrenaline at just a glance on recent post
compelling you to comment under it 'Dhope'
but I mean, 'dhope' isn't compliment enough to boost my dopamine

To get verified on IG
they first want to see ID
and if I want to boost a post on FB, I would have to pay like IMF cos if I don't then I am 'F'
I mean F*cked
exposing my insecurities for their services
and at the end of all of this, I get less likes for dress i post
which leads to post tramatic stress

I keep comparing highlights of people's life to my reality cos that's the only thing they show
but why not compare me to myself and not to other
cos if I add theirs, I might skip the behind the scenes, after effects, photoshop and editing cos social media is not real
it's just a set of script coded in languages like python and JavaScript
developed by programers and hosted online just to monitor and influence the reactions of end users through likes, views, shares comments and can even torment your life with just a click.

I used to think I'm on stage
performing everytime I open my page in the morning
little did I know it was actually a cage with acid cos in this modern age
based on statistics, social media have become quite addictive
that's why we keep checking our feed even when we wake up and have not yet had breakfast

about 5BC, the laws were written on tablet and later transferred to scrolls
but in 21st century, with iPhones and tablet, all we do is scroll
through time line on facebook and on instagram ignoring the clock, thinking that tiktok videos will make us trend
and I'm like Whatsup with this generation
we're being programed through social media by making us obsessed with what our eyes can see
and it makes us easy like ABC to De- ceive
but let's take two steps back and B live
in ourselves
Regardless of the views and likes we get
Even if it means uninstalling this app
cos the ups and downs is causing havoc
and it makes me feel like ...I don't even know

©íGαdít wílsσn®

Subscribe to íGαdít's channel: http://shorturl.at/bzBF9

Connect with íGαdít on socials:
Instagram: igadit_wilson
Twitter: igadit_wilson
Facebook: Igadit Wilson
WhatsApp: +233 206 731 322

For more information/bookings, contact: igaditw@gmail.com

Music Spoken Word Music Category S

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