#eddykenzo #jamsession #unmf #nyamutoro #eddykenzoplaysball #ministernyamutoro
Hello welcome back to another broadcast of live music band featuring Eddy Kenzo one of the most vibrant celebrity and a musician in particular. Honourable Minister Nyamutoro is a renown youth member of the Ugandan Parliament that made headlines recently when he got into a love affair with singer Eddy Kenzo . This Jam Music Session is happening at a Kampala Suburb.
Kindly enjoy angelic vocals.
Read more..https://www.pulse.ug/entertainment/how-long-have-eddy-kenzo-and-phiona-nyamutoro-been-together/66phqfk
Watch more https://youtu.be/1qyYE2Ddots
#sb4media #diasporaconnectug #sb4mediatugusaensonga #ugandansindubai #kookiepromotions #aromaticentertainment #cruzxclusive #breakingnewsuganda #bobiwinenow #bobiwinetoday #ugandamusic #museveni #trustfilms #brianwhite #pallaso #nyamutoro #eddiekenzo #eddykenzo #ntvuganda #nbsuganda #amasengejje #agataliikonfuufu
Hello welcome back to another broadcast of live music band featuring Eddy Kenzo one of the most vibrant celebrity and a musician in particular. Honourable Minister Nyamutoro is a renown youth member of the Ugandan Parliament that made headlines recently when he got into a love affair with singer Eddy Kenzo . This Jam Music Session is happening at a Kampala Suburb.
Kindly enjoy angelic vocals.
Read more..https://www.pulse.ug/entertainment/how-long-have-eddy-kenzo-and-phiona-nyamutoro-been-together/66phqfk
Watch more https://youtu.be/1qyYE2Ddots
#sb4media #diasporaconnectug #sb4mediatugusaensonga #ugandansindubai #kookiepromotions #aromaticentertainment #cruzxclusive #breakingnewsuganda #bobiwinenow #bobiwinetoday #ugandamusic #museveni #trustfilms #brianwhite #pallaso #nyamutoro #eddiekenzo #eddykenzo #ntvuganda #nbsuganda #amasengejje #agataliikonfuufu