Take the quiz here: https://bit.ly/PRSManufacturing_Quiz
StewMac Partner Account...https://stewmac.sjv.io/LPJz4j
Howler Bros...https://www.avantlink.com/click.php?tool_type=cl&merchant_id=8adf4cf8-66bd-4ade-b5a2-3b21a4f43acd&website_id=02d58e6d-c9d3-4233-9dd7-853431a80674&url=https%3A%2F%2Fhowlerbros.com%2F
My AMAZON Store: https://www.amazon.com/shop/texastoastguitars
My Website… https://www.texastoastguitars.com/
My Patreon Page…https://www.patreon.com/user?u=7149947
My Facebook… https://www.facebook.com/TexasToastGuitars/
My Instagram… https://www.instagram.com/texastoastguitars/
Check out our Industry Partners…
Flipside Music, The Great American Guitar Store… https://flipside-music.com?aff=7
Maximum Guitars… https://maximumguitarworks.com
NK Forster Guitars e-book, making a living from woodwork... https://payhip.com/b/StZf/af62c6f98f00146
Dylan Talks Tone… https://dylantalkstone.com?ref=texastoastguitars
Pedal To The Metal GUitars...... https://reverb.com/shop/pedal-to-the-metal-guitars Use Code TTG At checkout
Tone Wood Experts… https://tonewoodexperts.com/ use code “TEXASTOAST15” for 15% off
Bitterroot Guitars… https://www.bitterrootguitars.com/ use code "TXTOAST" for 15% off
Odyssey Beerwerks… www.odysseybeerwerks.com
Spin Twist Paint Rig... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGMA0t1NWQA
Hipshot Products... Contact Texas Toast Guitars to order all the good stuff from our friends at Hipshot
Texas Toast Guitars is an independent guitar shop and this channel is a place for people with common interests to come together and discuss their mutual hobbies, toys, and opinions. All are welcome.
Original score: Electric Boogie Dawgs & Jim Jamm Jimmy
Artwork: Joy Kaminski & Paul Shellooe
StewMac Partner Account...https://stewmac.sjv.io/LPJz4j
Howler Bros...https://www.avantlink.com/click.php?tool_type=cl&merchant_id=8adf4cf8-66bd-4ade-b5a2-3b21a4f43acd&website_id=02d58e6d-c9d3-4233-9dd7-853431a80674&url=https%3A%2F%2Fhowlerbros.com%2F
My AMAZON Store: https://www.amazon.com/shop/texastoastguitars
My Website… https://www.texastoastguitars.com/
My Patreon Page…https://www.patreon.com/user?u=7149947
My Facebook… https://www.facebook.com/TexasToastGuitars/
My Instagram… https://www.instagram.com/texastoastguitars/
Check out our Industry Partners…
Flipside Music, The Great American Guitar Store… https://flipside-music.com?aff=7
Maximum Guitars… https://maximumguitarworks.com
NK Forster Guitars e-book, making a living from woodwork... https://payhip.com/b/StZf/af62c6f98f00146
Dylan Talks Tone… https://dylantalkstone.com?ref=texastoastguitars
Pedal To The Metal GUitars...... https://reverb.com/shop/pedal-to-the-metal-guitars Use Code TTG At checkout
Tone Wood Experts… https://tonewoodexperts.com/ use code “TEXASTOAST15” for 15% off
Bitterroot Guitars… https://www.bitterrootguitars.com/ use code "TXTOAST" for 15% off
Odyssey Beerwerks… www.odysseybeerwerks.com
Spin Twist Paint Rig... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGMA0t1NWQA
Hipshot Products... Contact Texas Toast Guitars to order all the good stuff from our friends at Hipshot
Texas Toast Guitars is an independent guitar shop and this channel is a place for people with common interests to come together and discuss their mutual hobbies, toys, and opinions. All are welcome.
Original score: Electric Boogie Dawgs & Jim Jamm Jimmy
Artwork: Joy Kaminski & Paul Shellooe
- Category
- Music Metal Music Category M
- Tags
- guitars, guitar building, build your own guitar.