Meditation by the River | Music: 'I Came by Prayer' #greatday4every1 #god #love #jesus #faith #hope

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???????????? Meditation by the River | Music: 'I Came by Prayer'

???? Immerse yourself in serene scenes of Jesus meditating by a river, surrounded by wildflowers. Let the peaceful music of 'I Came by Prayer' guide you through moments of reflection and spiritual connection.


???? Blessed are those who seek Him with a pure heart. ????
???? In His presence, find peace that surpasses all understanding. ????
???? Trust in His love, for His mercy endures forever. ????
???? Let His light shine through your life today and always. ????
???? Jesus, our rock and salvation, we praise Your holy name. ????
???? Grateful hearts rejoice in His abundant grace. ????
???? His love transforms hearts and renews hope. ????
???? Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. ????
???? Trust His plan, for He works all things for good. ????
???? May His presence fill you with joy and strength. ????

English: Dear Jesus, thank You for Your presence that fills us with peace and hope. May we always seek You with joyful hearts. Amen.
Filipino: Mahal na Jesus, Salamat sa Iyong presensya na nagpapuno sa amin ng kapayapaan at pag-asa. Nawa'y laging hanapin Ka ng aming mga puso nang may kagalakan. Amen.
Hindi: प्रिय यीशु, आपके उपस्थिति के लिए धन्यवाद जो हमें शांति और आशा से भर देती है। हमेशा आपकी खोज करें खुशी से। आमीन।
Portuguese: Querido Jesus, obrigado pela Tua presença que nos enche de paz e esperança. Que possamos sempre Te buscar com corações alegres. Amém.
Bahasa Indonesia: Yesus yang terkasih, terima kasih atas kehadiran-Mu yang mengisi kami dengan damai dan harapan. Semoga kami selalu mencari-Mu dengan hati yang penuh sukacita. Amin.
Vietnamese: Chúa Giêsu thân mến, cảm ơn Chúa vì sự hiện diện của Ngài làm đầy chúng con bằng sự bình an và hy vọng. Chúng con xin luôn tìm kiếm Ngài với trái tim đầy vui mừng. Amen.
Korean: 사랑하는 예수님, 평화와 소망으로 우리를 채우시는 주님의 함께 감사드립니다. 항상 기쁜 마음으로 주님을 찾기를 바랍니다. 아멘.
German: Lieber Jesus, danke für Deine Gegenwart, die uns mit Frieden und Hoffnung erfüllt. Mögen wir Dich immer mit freudigen Herzen suchen. Amen.
French: Cher Jésus, merci pour Ta présence qui remplit nos cœurs de paix et d'espérance. Que nous Te cherchions toujours avec joie. Amen.
Traditional Chinese: 親愛的耶穌,感謝祢的同在,讓我們充滿平安與希望。願我們永遠以喜樂的心尋求祢。阿們。
Music Christian Rock Music Category C

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