Oscar Fynn Rove ♥ It's in our Dreams [Official Music Video] - Indie Rock Song

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"It's in our Dreams" by Oscar Fynn Rove. This song is a message of Hope. SHARE it with those you love and on social networks. Thank You. Some say it's because of human nature. Some say that's just how it is. Some say one day everything will work out. Sometimes dreams can come true !

First of all, a big thanks to all our subscribers. We're an indie Rock band and we just try to do good music. If you like our music, the most important is to share it with your friends. We have not the money and the means to make us known another way. You are precious !
Tout d'abord, un grand merci à tous nos abonnés. Nous sommes un groupe de rock indépendant et nous essayons juste de faire de la bonne musique. Si vous aimez notre musique, le plus important est de la partager avec vos amis. Nous n'avons pas l'argent et les moyens de nous faire connaître d'une autre manière. Vous êtes précieux !
En primer lugar, muchas gracias a todos nuestros suscriptores. Somos una banda de rock indie e intentamos hacer buena música. Si te gusta nuestra música, lo más importante es compartirla con tus amigos. No tenemos el dinero ni los medios para darnos a conocer de otra manera. ¡Eres precioso!
Em primeiro lugar, um grande obrigado a todos os nossos assinantes. Somos uma banda de rock indie e tentamos fazer boa música. Se gosta da nossa música, o mais importante é partilhá-la com os seus amigos. Não temos dinheiro e meios para nos darmos a conhecer de outra forma. Você é precioso!
Innanzitutto un sentito ringraziamento a tutti i nostri iscritti. Siamo una band indie rock e cerchiamo di fare buona musica. Se ti piace la nostra musica, la cosa più importante è condividerla con i tuoi amici. Non abbiamo i soldi e i mezzi per farci conoscere in altro modo. Sei prezioso!
Zunächst einmal ein großes Dankeschön an alle unsere Abonnenten. Wir sind eine Indie-Rock-Band und versuchen, gute Musik zu machen.
Wenn Ihnen unsere Musik gefällt, ist es am wichtigsten, sie mit Ihren Freunden zu teilen. Wir haben weder das Geld noch die Mittel, uns auf andere Weise bekannt zu machen. Du bist wertvoll!
Прежде всего, большое спасибо всем нашим подписчикам. Мы инди-рок-группа и стараемся делать хорошую музыку.
Если вам нравится наша музыка, самое главное - поделиться ею с друзьями. У нас нет денег и средств, чтобы заявить о себе каким-либо другим способом. Вы драгоценны!

Lyrics :

There's a place where no one sleeps in the street
There's a place where everyone has enough to eat
There's a place where all the people live in peace and harmony
There's a place where everyone is happy

It's in our dreams, It's in our dreams
It's in our dreams but we won't change the world while asleep

There's a place where black and white people are equal
There's a place where women and men share the same rights
There's a place where people don't kill others for their religion
There's a place where there's no more war at all

It's in our dreams
It's in our dreams
It's in our dreams
But we won't change the world while asleep
It's in our dreams
It's in our dreams
It's in our dreams
But we won't change the world while asleep

Some say it's because of human nature
Some say that's just how it is
Some say one day everything will work out
Sometimes dreams can come true

It's in our dreams, It's in our dreams
It's in our dreams but we won't change the world while asleep
It's in our dreams, It's in our dreams
It's in our dreams but we won't change the world while asleep

#oscarfynnrove #it'sinourdreams #indierocksong
Music Indie Music Category I

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