Queen LaBelle’s Yellow Manila Envelopes …Spoken Word

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**Song: Yellow Manila Envelopes**
**Album: For the Kings and Queens**

"Yellow Manila Envelopes" tells the story of my Tío Chris, a star soccer ⚽️ player in Belize who got entangled in drug dealing in the States. A deal gone wrong led to a 25-to-life sentence. During my junior high years, I started writing letters to my aunts and uncles scattered across Mexico, London, and Los Angeles. That's when I discovered Uncle Chris and began writing to him in jail. Those letters, filled with wisdom and connection, became a lifeline for me, providing the positive male perspective I needed. Against all odds, Uncle Chris was released from prison a few years ago and is now back in Belize, using his experiences to guide others away from the path he once took.

#YellowManilaEnvelopes #ForTheKingsAndQueens #Family #Redemption #SecondChances #UncleChris #TioChris #LettersFromPrison #Inspiration #LifeLessons #NewBeginnings #queenlabelle #forthekingsandqueens #bestspokenwordalbum #spokenword #spokenwordartist
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