During their late set the SELDOM SCENE covered LAY DOWN SALLY at the Waterloo Bluegrass Festival in Stanhope New Jersey on August 23rd 1986. The whole set will be published soon. #seldomscene #bluegrass #coversong #laydownsally
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e-mail: clevelandlivemusic@gmail.com
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GoFundMe: https://gofund.me/f18cdf29
#clevelandlivemusic #kendixon #taper #archivist #cleveland #ohio #audio #video
Thanks for all the support and making the channel grow! To contact or support Cleveland Live Music. The more patronage I receive, the more time can be spent digitizing and uploading my recordings. Requests for content always welcomed!
Facebook: ClevelandLiveMusic
Soundcloud: ClevelandLiveMusic
Twitter: ClevelandLiveMusic
eBay: https://www.ebay.com/str/eyeseemusic
e-mail: clevelandlivemusic@gmail.com
Paypal: clevelandlivemusic@gmail.com
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/clevelandlivemusic
GoFundMe: https://gofund.me/f18cdf29
#clevelandlivemusic #kendixon #taper #archivist #cleveland #ohio #audio #video