Shelby Lynne-Latest hit songs of 2024-Supreme Chart-Toppers Lineup-Prevailing

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Shelby Lynne-Latest hit songs of 2024-Supreme Chart-Toppers Lineup-Prevailing

0:00:00 : O̴̴ne W̸̸i̶t̳̳h̴̴ ̷̷T̶̶h̶e ̲̲Su̷̷n̼
0:02:28 : T̷̷h͙͙i͙͙s̸ T̳̳im̸̸e͛ ̵̵I̸ ͙Al͛m̼o̵s̷t̸̸ ̶̶Ma̸̸d͙e ̼I͙͙t
0:05:39 : I W͛a̼̼n͙t To̳̳ Go̵̵ ̸B̲a̶c̲k
0:08:55 : I̲̲'̲ll̴̴ ͙͙Li̼e ̲̲M͛y̲̲se̷l̶̶f ̴̴T͛o̶̶ ̸̸S̵l̲̲e̳̳ep̸̸
0:13:02 : J̳us̲̲t̳ Fo̳r ̸̸T̷h̲e̷ ̸̸T̲̲o̷̷u̵̵c͛͛h̶ ͛͛O̶̶f̲̲ ̷̷Y̳̳ou̼̼r ̳̳Ha̴n̶̶d
0:16:59 : S̳lo͛w ̲M̸̸e̷̷ D̳̳o̸̸w̶n̶̶
0:20:13 : T̵h̳̳ing͙s Ar̼̼e ͙T͙͙ou̵̵g̷̷h͛ ̸A̷̷ll̸̸ ̶̶O̳̳v̴e̵̵r̴̴
0:24:11 : I ̼On͙͙ly̳̳ Want ̴̴T̸̸o ̵Be̼ ̵Wi̲th̳̳ ̸̸Y̴̴o͙u̸
0:28:00 : SHE̵L̸B̸̸Y L̼̼Y̶N̶N̴̴E͙͙ ͛WHY̲̲ ̵̵D̲̲IDN̴'̼̼T YOU ͙͙C̵̵A̸LL ̵ME̲̲
0:30:52 : Gott̸a B͙͙e̲̲ ͛͛B̴̴et͛͛te̳r̼

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Music Music Category A Americana
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