Snoop Dogg & Wiz Khalifa - High Christmas (bass)

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Snoop Dogg & Wiz Khalifa - High Christmas

???????? Nota breve: estes pequenos vídeos de "BASS COVER" são dedicados a todos os praticantes e amantes do baixo, e tem apenas como objetivo fomentar a pratica do instrumento e desenvolver o estudo do mesmo.
???????? note: these short videos of "BASS COVER" are dedicated to all practitioners and lovers of bass, and its only purpose is to encourage the practice of the instrument and develop the study of it.

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???????? If you like my work and the content I’m creating, one of these days you can buy me a coffee and give your opinion...

???????? Se queres ter conteúdos extras, tais como aulas, vídeos, backing tracks, livros, pautas, tutoriais, tabs, line6 settings, etc... podes inscrever-te aqui:
???????? If you want to have extra content, such as lessons, videos, backing tracks, books, scores, tutorials, tabs, line6 settings, etc ... you can sign up here:

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Snoop Dogg & Wiz Khalifa - High Christmas basse, Snoop Dogg & Wiz Khalifa - High Christmas bass gui, Snoop Dogg & Wiz Khalifa - High Christmas bass cov

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