#songwriting Rough Ideas - Epic #metal Intro #melody In Em #guitar #songwriter #guitarist #create

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Was listening to the maelstrom that is my neurotic thought process and for some reason, it sounded like old Metallica. ????‍♂️????

Upon further analysis, I found that this here melody uses notes from the E Minor scale.

- Intervals - 1 - 2 - b3 - 4 - 5 - b6 - b7

Obviously, this would work well over an E5 or Em chord but try it over any of the chords in E Minor to see how the notes react.

To me, it feels like an epic intro to a song that builds into the first verse.

By the way, if you don’t know this scale, the intervals to learn it are all up on the board????.

Understanding chords and scales is crucial to building melodies so let me know what YOU come up with from it..

Not sure what ANY of this means?

- Book a free zoom call with me at this link

- https://forms.gle/GrrxMJkSf1KGPPuNA

Anyway, that’s what I’m working on today. What about you?
Music Metal Music Category M

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