Sweet Allman Brothers style guitar backing track in E! INTRO TAB → https://www.patreon.com/posts/121275695 Play-along starts 0:54
▶ More guitar backing tracks → https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVVk2nQ5iO8-JvcEVkOglwesSzp9SbWTc ▶ Learn some Blues guitar licks → https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVVk2nQ5iO8_ElM1Fec8xfbpAzAsmtzZu&si=fkIw-5aky3tB0I0S
????All tabs/lessons → http://www.patreon.com/QuistJam ▶ More backing tracks in E → https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVVk2nQ5iO8-MpJzW5lcU4ZyVJMn7wZAh Free Download → https://bit.ly/IntoTheBlues10
▶ Live Blues guitar lessons → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eL-VpFPB-I&list=PLVVk2nQ5iO88aotIK0obtYkpxgAiMe8Qw&index=1
▶ Blues jam tracks → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cmfo2uQ1S0&list=PL074916BC5EC3E53E&index=5
▶ ▶ Download my free Practice Tips PDF → https://quistorama.com/practice-tips
#guitar #guitarbackingtrack #guitarjam
I hope you enjoy this sweet chord progression - from Sweet Melissa - great for practicing your E major pentatonic soloing!
You'll get that sweet, uplifting major sound by reaching for E major pentatonic (same 5 notes as C# minor pentatonic). Mixing in the E minor pentatonic will also create some classic Blues sounds!
This jam track is here for you to have fun jamming & playing your instrument - and for scale practice :)
▶ ▶ ▶ Subscribe & click the bell for more. Grow your musicality!
▶ Downloads → http://www.quistorama.com/jamtracks
Easy slow Blues jam (A) → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvPowvrxaWM
* Chord progression:
||: E | F#m11 | Emaj7/G# | F#m11 :||
You can also play this progression with E in the bass of every chord, but I've notated it like this because the actual bass line does move.
* Scale suggestions:
E Major Pentatonic Scale - E F# G# B C#
(you could think C# minor pentatonic as it's the same 5 notes!)
E Major Blues Scale - E F# G G# B C#
E Major Scale - E F# G# A B C# D#
You can also add more Blues vibes with these:
E Minor Pentatonic Scale - E G A B D
E Minor Blues Scale - E G A Bb B D
* Arpeggios:
E - E G# B
F#m7 - F# A C# E
Emaj7 - E G# B D#
▶▶▶ GET THESE SCALE MAPS & ARPEGGIOS → https://www.patreon.com/posts/121275811
Guitar recorded with the Axe FX2 XL+ by Fractal Audio
▶ More guitar backing tracks → https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVVk2nQ5iO8-JvcEVkOglwesSzp9SbWTc ▶ Learn some Blues guitar licks → https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVVk2nQ5iO8_ElM1Fec8xfbpAzAsmtzZu&si=fkIw-5aky3tB0I0S
????All tabs/lessons → http://www.patreon.com/QuistJam ▶ More backing tracks in E → https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVVk2nQ5iO8-MpJzW5lcU4ZyVJMn7wZAh Free Download → https://bit.ly/IntoTheBlues10
▶ Live Blues guitar lessons → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eL-VpFPB-I&list=PLVVk2nQ5iO88aotIK0obtYkpxgAiMe8Qw&index=1
▶ Blues jam tracks → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cmfo2uQ1S0&list=PL074916BC5EC3E53E&index=5
▶ ▶ Download my free Practice Tips PDF → https://quistorama.com/practice-tips
#guitar #guitarbackingtrack #guitarjam
I hope you enjoy this sweet chord progression - from Sweet Melissa - great for practicing your E major pentatonic soloing!
You'll get that sweet, uplifting major sound by reaching for E major pentatonic (same 5 notes as C# minor pentatonic). Mixing in the E minor pentatonic will also create some classic Blues sounds!
This jam track is here for you to have fun jamming & playing your instrument - and for scale practice :)
▶ ▶ ▶ Subscribe & click the bell for more. Grow your musicality!
▶ Downloads → http://www.quistorama.com/jamtracks
Easy slow Blues jam (A) → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvPowvrxaWM
* Chord progression:
||: E | F#m11 | Emaj7/G# | F#m11 :||
You can also play this progression with E in the bass of every chord, but I've notated it like this because the actual bass line does move.
* Scale suggestions:
E Major Pentatonic Scale - E F# G# B C#
(you could think C# minor pentatonic as it's the same 5 notes!)
E Major Blues Scale - E F# G G# B C#
E Major Scale - E F# G# A B C# D#
You can also add more Blues vibes with these:
E Minor Pentatonic Scale - E G A B D
E Minor Blues Scale - E G A Bb B D
* Arpeggios:
E - E G# B
F#m7 - F# A C# E
Emaj7 - E G# B D#
▶▶▶ GET THESE SCALE MAPS & ARPEGGIOS → https://www.patreon.com/posts/121275811
Guitar recorded with the Axe FX2 XL+ by Fractal Audio