This Christian Heavy Metal Style Video speaks of the truths in the Holy Bible about how God made us, and we are not evolved from apes. I personally wrote ALL the lyrics to this Christian metal song. For this heavy metal song I used AI to help create the music part. Genesis 1:26-27 Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground. "So God created mankind in his own image in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Thanks for watching. God bless you!
My complete playlist for Christian Hard Rock and Metal songs:
You put the stars in the sky
Created the heavens on high
Animals, birds, plants too
Most important people who
Can choose where we go, what we do
The angels did not get to choose
Heaven we win, hell we lose
You created me for this place
God I really need Your grace!
Help me praise You, help me sing
My thanks to You I gladly bring
Get me through another day
To be thankful on the way
Living for You, living free
Who You created us to be
Adam and Eve took the bite
From the garden they took flight
The swords were at the gate
No more entry was their fate
We would have done the same thing too
We're all imperfect people who
God gives free choice to
We did not evolve over time
You created us by Your design
Evolution is a lie
The enemy can't justify
God loves you so much
He created you as such
Help me praise You, help me sing
My thanks to You I gladly bring
Get me through another day
To be thankful on the way
Living for You, living free
Who You created us to be
You made the mountains and the sea
All Your creations are full of beauty
Lions, eagles, majestic too
The skies in perfect shades of blue
Fearfully and wonderfully made
We don't have to be afraid
That we were once apes
You made us with Your grace
All the evidence we need
We are made by You indeed
Help me praise You, help me sing
My thanks to You I gladly bring
Get me through another day
To be thankful on the way
Living for You, living free
Who You created us to be
#officialmusicvideo, #christianmusic, #metal, #rock
If you are interested in supporting my channel my PayPal Link is:
My complete playlist for Christian Hard Rock and Metal songs:
You put the stars in the sky
Created the heavens on high
Animals, birds, plants too
Most important people who
Can choose where we go, what we do
The angels did not get to choose
Heaven we win, hell we lose
You created me for this place
God I really need Your grace!
Help me praise You, help me sing
My thanks to You I gladly bring
Get me through another day
To be thankful on the way
Living for You, living free
Who You created us to be
Adam and Eve took the bite
From the garden they took flight
The swords were at the gate
No more entry was their fate
We would have done the same thing too
We're all imperfect people who
God gives free choice to
We did not evolve over time
You created us by Your design
Evolution is a lie
The enemy can't justify
God loves you so much
He created you as such
Help me praise You, help me sing
My thanks to You I gladly bring
Get me through another day
To be thankful on the way
Living for You, living free
Who You created us to be
You made the mountains and the sea
All Your creations are full of beauty
Lions, eagles, majestic too
The skies in perfect shades of blue
Fearfully and wonderfully made
We don't have to be afraid
That we were once apes
You made us with Your grace
All the evidence we need
We are made by You indeed
Help me praise You, help me sing
My thanks to You I gladly bring
Get me through another day
To be thankful on the way
Living for You, living free
Who You created us to be
#officialmusicvideo, #christianmusic, #metal, #rock
If you are interested in supporting my channel my PayPal Link is: