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Hello, dear viewers of the SACRED REVELATIONS channel. Today, we embark on a fascinating and enlightening journey as we explore one of the most intriguing and mysterious themes of the scriptures: angels. These celestial beings pique our curiosity not only due to their frequent presence in the Bible but also because of the complexity of their stories and divine missions. Let’s unravel a lesser-known aspect about a particular angel, leading us to a deeper understanding of the spiritual realm.

Angels are celestial beings that captivate the interest of many people, including those who are not Christians. Endowed with supernatural powers, they are responsible for protecting and guarding the lives of God's children, attending to their needs according to the Father’s commands. The Bible declares in the book of Hebrews that there are thousands of angels in heaven. However, the word of the Lord presents us with the names of only a few. Three of these names are known to most scripture scholars, but there is a fourth name that almost no one has heard of. It is about these four beings that we will talk about in today's video.

Before we proceed, it is important to clarify that angels are not the spirits of deceased people. The claim that good people who die on Earth become angels of God is false. The Bible is very clear in stating that human beings and angels are not of the same class of creatures of the Lord. Let’s read what is written in Psalm 8: "What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet: all flocks and herds, and the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas."

Another important point is that among the celestial beings we are going to study, there are also fallen angels who were cast out of heaven and thrown to Earth. The first angel mentioned in the Bible is Satan. According to Genesis 1, on the second day of creation, after God had already created day and night, He created the heavens. Some scholars say that on that same day the angels were created, and among them was one who was remarkable for his beauty and power. Michael, the archangel, is one of God’s most well-known and powerful angels. He belongs to a higher order among the angels, acting as a messenger on special missions and as a great warrior. The Book of Revelation 12 shows us that it was he who led the army of angels in heaven against Satan. Another notable passage is in the book of Jude, which tells us that Michael fought against the devil for the body of Moses. Despite all his power, Michael showed wisdom by not defaming the enemy but letting God rebuke him.
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The fall of man, The life of Jesus, The old testament

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