Wheels On The Bus | Nursery Rhymes | BEST Nursery Rhymes Collection from Kidscamp
00:00 Wheels On The Bus
01:35 Wheels On The Bus
03:14 ABC Twinkle Medley Song
04:59 BINGO
07:11 Five Little Monkeys
09:11 Baa Baa Black Sheep
10:18 Incy Wincy Spider
11:17 Mary Had A Little Lamb
12:29 Pop Goes The Weasel
13:37 Little Peter Rabbit
15:06 ABC Song
16:28 Wheels On The Bus
18:06 Phonics Song
19:48 ABC Alphabet Song
23:04 Miss Molly Had A Dolly
24:09 Sing A Song For Six Pence
25:23 Ring A Ring A Roses
26:08 Mulberry Bush
26:56 I'm A Little teapot
28:04 Rain Rain Go Away
29:36 Row Row Row Your Boat
30:43 Miss Polly Had A Dolly
31:48 ABC Song
33:06 Wheels On The Bus
34:42 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
36:08 Head Shoulders Knees And Toes
37:25 Old MacDonald Had A Farm
39:18 Are you sleeping?
40:22 Jack And Jill
41:40 Row Row Row Your Boat
42:47 Humpty Dumpty
44:01 London Bridge Is Falling Down
46:41 Oranges And Lemon
48:06 One Misty Moisty Morning
50:29 Phonics Song
52:12 ABC Twinkle Medley Song
53:58 Five Little Ducks Wheels on the bus Medley Song
57:34 Mary Had A Little Lamb and London Bridge Medley Song
59:25 Mulberry Bush
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00:00 Wheels On The Bus
01:35 Wheels On The Bus
03:14 ABC Twinkle Medley Song
04:59 BINGO
07:11 Five Little Monkeys
09:11 Baa Baa Black Sheep
10:18 Incy Wincy Spider
11:17 Mary Had A Little Lamb
12:29 Pop Goes The Weasel
13:37 Little Peter Rabbit
15:06 ABC Song
16:28 Wheels On The Bus
18:06 Phonics Song
19:48 ABC Alphabet Song
23:04 Miss Molly Had A Dolly
24:09 Sing A Song For Six Pence
25:23 Ring A Ring A Roses
26:08 Mulberry Bush
26:56 I'm A Little teapot
28:04 Rain Rain Go Away
29:36 Row Row Row Your Boat
30:43 Miss Polly Had A Dolly
31:48 ABC Song
33:06 Wheels On The Bus
34:42 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
36:08 Head Shoulders Knees And Toes
37:25 Old MacDonald Had A Farm
39:18 Are you sleeping?
40:22 Jack And Jill
41:40 Row Row Row Your Boat
42:47 Humpty Dumpty
44:01 London Bridge Is Falling Down
46:41 Oranges And Lemon
48:06 One Misty Moisty Morning
50:29 Phonics Song
52:12 ABC Twinkle Medley Song
53:58 Five Little Ducks Wheels on the bus Medley Song
57:34 Mary Had A Little Lamb and London Bridge Medley Song
59:25 Mulberry Bush
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