Christian song, Christian music. New Christian song, Heading Home Ministries, HEADING HOME.

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Heading Home, new Christian song, Christian music from Heading Home Ministries.

Heading Home: “Kids eh, who’d have ‘em” How many times have you heard that from a parent when referring to their children. Sometimes they say it tongue in cheek, sometimes in love and sometimes with a smile that belies a broken desperate heart that longs for the relationship with their child to be like it used to be. In the beginning.
If you’re a parent of a child that’s grown maybe you can relate as you remember ‘in the beginning’. How you felt when you saw him, saw her on their arrival day. Tears maybe, joy definitely and fear very possibly. But you knew, right then you knew without a shadow of doubt that you would die for them, in a heartbeat. No questions asked.
And as they grew from babe to toddler to infant how the bond grew. Mummy’s boy, Daddy’s girl! Despite the terrible twos and the troublesome teens they are yours and still you would die for them. But slowly, gradually overtime the bond loosened. And they wandered. You’re sure you did the right things, tried to show them the way and of course you loved them, loved them the best you knew how. But still they wandered. The world had other things, better things, to offer than the things of mum and dad. Things more attractive than family life. “You just don’t understand” they told you time and again. But you did, you do. You were like them once and you so do understand!
If only they would return home. If only they knew how much you loved them. Can’t they see it? Nothing’s changed about your love for them, you don’t care what they’ve done or where they’ve been. You just long for them to come home.
Oh the years of silence; no letters, no calls. You don’t even know where or how they are. Yet every day you yearn to see them. So every day, with every heartbeat you wait and watch for them. Hoping and praying that today is the day. This time, this day as you wait, you watch and you look and you see them. See them down the road, coming your way, heading up the pathway home. “Today is the day” your heart says. Oh the number of times you’ve replayed their homecoming in your head. You know every piece of the picture by heart. It’s been rehearsed for so long in your mind. You see him and your heart pounds, so you run and you hug him and kiss him and kiss him and kiss him. He tries to say sorry but he can’t get the words out because you’ve wrapped him in your overwhelming love. You know he’s sorry but you don’t dwell on that because you’ve already forgiven him. He’s home! That’s all that matters At last he’s home! Safe in your arms. No longer wandering, no longer lost.
Oh the joy of your heart now! So much joy that you just have to celebrate. He was lost and is found, was dead and is alive! That’s got be worth partying for!
In the parable that Jesus told about what is known as the Prodigal Son He was showing us the heart of God, our Father for you His child. A heart so full of love that every day of your life your Heavenly Father has been watching and waiting and looking for you to return home. Just like the Prodigal Son we’ve demanded our wealth now. We want nothing to do with our Father so we demand to take our wealth, our life, (that He gave us by the way) and do with it whatever we want. So we wander and squander in a land distant from Him. Out of sight, out of mind and out of our heart.
Yet still He watches and still He waits.
Then one day, we realize, we get our wake up call. “This is not my home, what am I doing?. What have I done? I’ve wasted my life. Oh what a mess. Oh if only I could start over, get a new life. If only I could go home. But look at me, there’s no way God could forgive me after what I’ve done? Could He? Would He?”
Yes He can and He will.
You see we’re all prodigal sons. We’ve all wandered. We’ve all squandered. But our Father longs for us to turn around, to start the journey back to Him. He doesn’t care where you’ve been or what you’ve done.
He’s made a way home for you through His Son Jesus Christ. He loves you so much that He died for you to make the way home possible.
And so even now, no matter where you’re at He is watching, waiting and longing for the day that He will look once again down the road and this day His sorrow turns to bursting joy as He sees you, His precious child, Heading Home!

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