لأنكم بالنعمة مخلصون، بالإيمان، وذلك ليس منكم. هو عطية الله. ليس من أعمال كيلا يفتخر أحد." أفسس ٢: ٨- ٩. هذه الآية من بديهيات إيماننا المسيحي، والتي أوحت بهذه الترنيمة. طبعاً تأتي أعمالنا تلقائية كي تترجم إيماننا كما مذكور في رسالة يعقوب. ولكن يبقى العمل الكفاري من صنع إلهنا وحده، ولم نكن لنغيّر فكره ومخططه لأجل أيّ شيء حسن فينا، إنما الكل كان بمقتضى رحمته. تعالوا نقرّ ونعترف بكم رحمنا الرب وأحبنا إلى المنتهى، إذ "ونحن بعد خطاة مات المسيح لأجلنا"!
Link to the full album: https://lnk.to/LaHalak
“For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; It is God's gift - not from works, so that no one can boast." (Ephesians 2: 8- 9) This verse is foundational in our Christian faith, and this song is inspired by it. Of course, works become a spontaneous consequence of that faith - but never a cause, as described in the Book of James. So that salvation is a solely divine plan, and nothing could change God's mind because of any good we could offer - everything was done by His free grace. Let us witness and testify to His mercy, and unconditional love, as “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8
Link to the full album: https://lnk.to/LaHalak
“For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; It is God's gift - not from works, so that no one can boast." (Ephesians 2: 8- 9) This verse is foundational in our Christian faith, and this song is inspired by it. Of course, works become a spontaneous consequence of that faith - but never a cause, as described in the Book of James. So that salvation is a solely divine plan, and nothing could change God's mind because of any good we could offer - everything was done by His free grace. Let us witness and testify to His mercy, and unconditional love, as “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8
- Category
- Music Christian/Gospel Music Category C
- Tags
- Jesus, Christ, Allah, God, Worship, Praise, Nizar Fares, Grace, Works, Boast, Inspiritual, Christian, Eliya Francis, Laysa biAmālī, ليس بأعمالي, يسوع, مسيح, تسبيح, ترنيم, عبادة, الله, نزار فارس, نعمة, مجانية, نعمة مجانية, افتخار, أعمال, إيليا فرنسيس, pride