مع طرح ألبوم "مسافة قلب" طرحنا مواضيع عدّة نعيشها ونعيش أثارها في عوائلنا و مجتمعاتنا، ولكن لا نتكلم عن غالبيّتها في فنوننا، وفي ترانيمنا، وفي كنائسنا... ترنيمة "خذني مني" تطرح مشكلة الإدمان وما أكثره في عصرنا هذا. منا من يُدمن عادات سيّئة، ومنا من يدمن الكره والحقد، والنميمة، ومنا من يدمن الألعاب الإلكترونية، والمخدرات، والإباحية، ومنا من يدمن عمله وحتى أطفاله. هنا نستذكر أن أجسادنا هي هياكل الروح القدس، فنحن مؤتَـمَـنين على صحتنا البدنية والفكرية والروحية. كما أن المسيح بنفسه وصّـانا بأن نحب الربّ من كلّ قلبنا وكلّ نفسنا وكلّ وفكرنا، من كل قوتنا، وهذا لا يترك لنا المجال بالتعلّق وإدمان أي عادة أم أي شخص مهماً كان. أصلي معكم وأنا كلي يقين بأن كل عائلة لديها من يدمن أمرا ما، حتى يفكّ الرب كلّ قيد يفصلنا عن حبّه المطلق، هو وحده يستطيع أن يخلصنا من إدماننا! إذ عندما نحب الرب بكليتنا، سيُعلـّمنا هو كيف نحب كل ما ومن حولنا باعتدال.
من كلمات نزار فارس، واللازمة من أقوال الحبيس يوحنا خوند، تلحين وتوزيع كمال سيقلي، أصلي معكم هذه الصلاة المرنَّمة!
Link to the full album: https://lnk.to/MasafataQalb
When we released the album, “Masafatu Qalb" (A Distance To A Heart), we addressed many hot topics that our families and societies are enduring. These topics are rarely discussed in our worship songs and churches. This song " Khudhni Minni" (Take Me From Myself) speaks of addiction, which is so prevalent in our world today. Some of us are addicted to bad habits, others to hatred, gossip, electronic games, drugs, and pornography. Some are addicted to work, others addicted to their children. Here we remember that the Bible describes our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit, meaning we are stewards of a healthy body, soul (mind, emotions) and spirit. Moreover, Jesus Himself asked us to love God from our hearts, souls and minds - and such a love doesn't leave room to get addicted to any person or anything beyond His instructions. I pray with you, knowing that almost every family is witnessing addiction, for the Lord to break all the shackles that keeps us from experiencing His ultimate Love. Only He is able to save us from our addiction. When we love God foremost, He will teach us how to love everything and everyone justly.
Written by Nizar Fares, the chorus is a quote by Fr. Yuhanna Khawand, composed and arranged by Kamal Saikaly, I pray this worship song impacts you.
من كلمات نزار فارس، واللازمة من أقوال الحبيس يوحنا خوند، تلحين وتوزيع كمال سيقلي، أصلي معكم هذه الصلاة المرنَّمة!
Link to the full album: https://lnk.to/MasafataQalb
When we released the album, “Masafatu Qalb" (A Distance To A Heart), we addressed many hot topics that our families and societies are enduring. These topics are rarely discussed in our worship songs and churches. This song " Khudhni Minni" (Take Me From Myself) speaks of addiction, which is so prevalent in our world today. Some of us are addicted to bad habits, others to hatred, gossip, electronic games, drugs, and pornography. Some are addicted to work, others addicted to their children. Here we remember that the Bible describes our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit, meaning we are stewards of a healthy body, soul (mind, emotions) and spirit. Moreover, Jesus Himself asked us to love God from our hearts, souls and minds - and such a love doesn't leave room to get addicted to any person or anything beyond His instructions. I pray with you, knowing that almost every family is witnessing addiction, for the Lord to break all the shackles that keeps us from experiencing His ultimate Love. Only He is able to save us from our addiction. When we love God foremost, He will teach us how to love everything and everyone justly.
Written by Nizar Fares, the chorus is a quote by Fr. Yuhanna Khawand, composed and arranged by Kamal Saikaly, I pray this worship song impacts you.
- Category
- Music Christian/Gospel Music Category C
- Tags
- Jesus, Christ, Allah, God, Worship, Praise, Nizar Fares, addiction, مسيح, تسبيح, ترنيم, عبادة, الله, نزار فارس, إدمان, Inspiritual, Christian